Mailbox Aliases
See Also  

Mailbox aliases are alternative addresses for existing mailboxes. There are two kinds of mailbox aliases your control panel supports:

Depending on your plan configuration your control panel may allow one of these types, both or neither.

Here you will learn how to:


Creating a Mailbox Name Alias

To create a mailbox name alias:

  1. Select Mail Info in the Mail Info menu.
  2. At the bottom of the page that appears, click Add new mail resource:

  3. Choose Mail alias in the drop-down box:

  4. Click Next.
  5. Agree with the charges, if any.
  6. Fill the form on the page that appears:

  7. Enter the mailbox alias name in the Alias Local Name field.
  8. In the To Mbox field select the local mailbox you are creating the alias for.
  9. Enter a Comment that will help you identify this alias among other mail resources.
  10. Click Submit.


Creating Mailbox Domain Aliases

What are mailbox domain aliases?

You can create mailbox domain aliases for ALL your mailboxes on the primary mail domain, rather than for an individual mailbox. To enable mailbox domain aliases, all you need to do is to create a domain alias with Mail Domain Alias on:

* To check whether Mail Domain Alias is activated for your domain alias:
go to Domain Settings -> Domian info. If there are several domains to choose, click the Edit icon in the Control entry for the domain. It will take you to the domain settings page. In the Domain Alias entry click the Edit icon next to the domain alias. Mail Domain Alias button should be ON as shown in the screenshot above.

Each of your mail domains can have several mail domain aliases. All your active mail domain aliases are listed on the E-mail resource page:

Important: do not use the New Mail Domain Alias link in the Mail Domain Alias section to enable new mail domain alias.
This option is reserved for future implementation.


Removing a Mailbox Name Alias

To remove a mailbox name alias:

  1. Select Mail Info in the Mail Info menu.
  2. Click the Alias you need. This will open its properties on the right:
  3. To delete the mailbox name alias, just click the Delete icon.
    Note: To get technical assistance with this mailbox name alias, click the icon next to the Trouble Ticket field.


Removing Mailbox Domain Aliases

You can remove mailbox domain aliases for ALL your mailboxes on the primary mail domain. But you cannot remove a mailbox domain alias for an individual mailbox.

To remove mailbox domain aliases for all your mailboxes on the primary mail domain, go to the E-mail resource page. In the Mail Control section choose the mail domain. The Mail Domain Aliases section will list all the current mail domain aliases for this mail domain. Choose the one that you would like to disable and click the Trash icon next to it.

See Also