Installing OpenSSL SSL Certificate

See Also

To install a OpenSSL SSL certificate:

  1. Select Domain info in the Domain Settings menu.
  2. Click the Edit icon in the Web Service field.
  3. Enable SSL for the domain in the list.
  4. Agree to charges, if any.
  5. Click the link at the top of the form that appears.
  6. On the page that appears, confirm your details by clicking the Submit button:

    These data will be used to generate the certificate. Don't make changes to the data if you are not sure about the purpose of these changes.
  7. Follow instructions that appear at the top of the next page.

  8. Copy the signing request and private key for later use.
  9. Click Submit Query.
  10. Purchase an SSL certificate from us or get your own. When requested, enter the signing request that you have saved. You will be given an SSL certificate and a rootchain certificate.
  11. Save your SSL and rootchain certificates to a secure location.
  12. Select Domain info in the Domain Settings menu.
  13. Go to the Web Service page and click the Edit icon in the SSL field.
  14. In the form that opens, enter the SSL certificate into the box Install Certificate based on previously generated Certificate request and click Upload:

  15. Enter the rootchain certificate into the box Certificate Chain File and click Install:

  16. Now you can use the certificate jointly with the private key you have saved.
See Also